Disasters can be anything from the destruction of your entire network infrastructure, a single down server or the loss of your Internet connectivity but they all have one thing in common, your business cannot function. We can help your enterprise create and maintain a sound business continuity and disaster recovery plan.
This process is a complex undertaking, involving a series of steps including:
Business Impact & Risk Analysis
Service Level Agreements
Creation of clear & concise Disaster Recovery Plans/Policies
Back Up and Preventative Strategies
Ongoing Plan Testing, Maintenance and Updates
It is never a good time for a disaster and when it happens you will want to recover as quickly as possible with minimum loss.
We can help your business design or update its network infrastructure. Whether connectivity is limited to single site or is multi-site, by twisted pair or optical fiber, over Dial-up, ISDN, xDSL or T-Carrier, using Frame Relay, ATM, SONET, Ethernet, FDDI, Token Ring or TCP/IP we can craft a customized solution to meet your business needs and budget.
Let our network Architects assist you with:
Wired or Wireless Network Layout and Design
Network Upgrades
Network Security
Remote Access
Network Monitoring
Security is a multi-layered proposition, and not just a box that sits on your network.  Using open source products and products from leading network security vendors, we can install and configure the systems to implement security features like: anti-virus technology, virtual private networking, file encryption, content management, authentication and access control.  From management awareness to policy creation and from risk assessment to system implementation, we have the expertise to keep your business secure.
Network Security
System Security
Access Control
Monitoring Systems / Custom Reports
Best Practices / Policy Documentation
Firewalls / Antivirus / Spam
Asset Inventory and Management
Our Systems Architects have experience with a wide variety of operating systems, hardware platforms and applications allowing us to recommend the appropriate solutions for your business needs, be it a Microsoft product, a Linux based product, or a UNIX based one.
Application Servers
File Servers
Backup Servers
Domain Controller Servers
Active Directory Servers
Database Servers
DNS & NIS Servers
DHCP Servers
Video Servers
Groupware & IM Servers
Web Servers
E-mail Servers
Build Servers and Development Environments
Source Code Control Systems
Virtualization of Existing Servers
Consolidation of Existing Servers/Services
Standardize Workstation Platforms